Image count: 6 images or less

Please submit here to be considered for Redivider's cover art. The cover art will be used in both the online and print editions of the issue. Art submissions can be uploaded as six separate attachments in one submission or, preferably, in a single .ZIP file—please do not send multiple submissions. Please save original images for each piece as a separate .TIF file no larger than 6 x 9 inches and at a resolution of 600dpi for line art and 300 dpi for all others. If your piece is chosen for the cover, you may be contacted for a larger file. Digital submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will not be considered. Please email us with questions or for alternate submission methods.

Redivider pays $200, including non-exclusive digital and print rights, for cover art.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.