*Regular submissions are open now until May 1st with a brief hiatus starting December 1st and ending January 1st.* 

Redivider can be found at redivider.emerson.edu.

Please submit your work through the Submittable page only. Redivider will not accept work through email or USPS. We welcome simultaneous submissions. 

“A redivider is in a constant state of flux. It’s always

splitting itself open to see what will happen, or to

find out what lurks deeper inside. Writers are all

redividers. The ones whose work appears here have

made something whole out of their endless division.”

      —from Redivider’s first Editor-in-Chief, Megan Weireter

Redivider is looking for new and under-published voices. We crave fresh, off-beat, and inventive work that challenges what should be valued both within and across literary genres. Send us pieces that rupture our reality and reflect a moment caught in time. We want work that resonates, endings that stay with us long after the work has finished, emotional truths from complex characters that leave us with goosebumps, and explorations of the everyday examined from the side, rather than straight on.

Send us what you’re scared to submit elsewhere; we might just enjoy it.

Redivider will not consider submissions that endorse prejudice, racism, xenophobia, classism, sexism, ableism, fat-shaming, homophobia, or gratuitous violence. We reserve the right to reject such submissions outright and reject further submissions from the author. We also reserve the right to remove content from our journal if an author is known to be harassing or abusive. We do not accept plagiarized content in any form for publication in our journal. Any submitters known to submit plagiarized work will be blacklisted from all current and future publications at Redivider. Redivider does not accept work that has been even partially created with the use of AI.

Authors will receive a contract upon acceptance. Redivider requests first serial rights, and all rights revert back to the author upon publication. Authors retain copyright to their work published in Redivider. If the work is later republished, we request that you note its initial publication in Redivider. We also request the right, with author permission, to use your work for promotional purposes. We ask that authors who are accepted with us wait 2 years before submitting work again.

$10. This print issue contains both fall 21.1 and spring 21.2 issues in one volume. Issues will ship in May. Please limit to 5 issues per order, as this is a limited run.